Papua New Guinea, most commonly referred to as PNG produces a range of coffees that are small holder and estate grown. This area is where you will find the Papua New Guinea Elimbari B, a full-bodied coffee with notes of dried apricots and prunes.
Considering PNG's proximity to Sumatra, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the coffees would be similar, but they are quite different.
This coffee is the result of the efforts of many smallholder farmers based around the Chauve district in the Highlands province of Chimbu.

Goroka is the capital of the Eastern Highlands and acts as the access in and out of the district. Papua New Guinea's coffee growers can produce as little as 30 kilos per year, they are almost all native smallholders.
The existence of a strong tribal culture means that creating and managing successful co-ops can often be a real challenge.
Flavour Profile of Papua New Guinea Elimbari B
More common to Congo than Sumatra, coffees demonstrate bright acidity and winey fruitiness. The Blue Mountain and Arusha varietals coupled with extremely fertile soils and high altitude growing regions (up to 200 metres above sea level) combine to create a truly unique and special coffee.

When cupping this coffee, the roasters often experience a medium-full ice-cream' type body, dried apricots and prunes. However, a general aroma of jasmine and sweetness in the cup is also experienced.
Lots of chocolate and complexity make this a great single origin espresso drink. Don't kill it with too much milk and you will be rewarded with a lingering chocolate aftertaste.
Coffee Grown in Papua New Guinea
The wet processing mills continue to use outdated machinery from British Colonial times, and cherry selection is not considered to be the best amongst other coffee growing nations.
The Elimbari project was started over ten years ago by Kongo Coffee's native owner, Jerry Kapka, to help provide some of these much-needed opportunities for betterment for his family, friends and other local people.

Local producers bring their parchment coffee to Kongo Coffee to be converted into cash. The coffee is inspected closely on arrival for aroma and defects and moisture content.
Depending on these results, the coffee either becomes Y grade (low-grade coffee that dominates the crop in PNG) or Elimbari if it meets special quality requirements.
Stewarts of Trent Bridge
Stewarts of Trent Bridge, Lee, the head roaster makes it his aim every day to get more people drinking better coffee. According to their studies, 70% of you out there are still drinking instant coffee and not experiencing coffee at its best _x0097_ the way it was intended for us all to drink it.

Their simple approach to coffee means you don't need to be a trained barista, have the latest coffee gadgets or an expensive espresso machine to enjoy it.
Stewarts uses green coffee beans (the unroasted kind) which are traceable back to the farmer or the cooperative and the company is registered with the Fairtrade Organisation and Soil Association, which means you can trust their brand to bring you exceptional, fairtrade coffee every single time.
Try This Coffee in Your Next Blue Coffee Box
To experience full flavoured coffees like the Papua New Guinea Elimbari B blend, be sure and sign up for a
Blue Coffee Box Subscription. Click for more details and to find out how you can get your first box.
Photo credits and info can be found on Wikipedia.